Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission is the lead RPC for the Region A (Rural) Regional Homeland Security Oversight Committee. Pioneer Trails RPC serves as the fiscal agent and the administrator for the Region A Homeland Security Grant program. The Region A RHSOC serves the following counties, Bates, Benton, Carroll, Henry, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, & Saline. Missouri’s national award winning statewide Homeland Security Regionalization Frame-work elevates the importance of regional priorities in the states Homeland Security Planning and funding. This particular committee is made up of 16 different disciplines including Emergency Management Directors, Chief of Police, County Sheriffs, Chief of Fire, County Health, Homeland Security Response Teams, Public Works, Mayors/City Administrators, County Commissioners, Private/Public Industries, EMS, 9-1-1, Volunteer, Agriculture, Schools and GIS. The job of these 16 different disciplines is for them to come together as one committee and make decisions on the needs for the region as a whole-not just on a individual agency level. There is a lot of dedication and passion that is put into this group. Region A RHSOC is better prepared today to keep us safe and help the citizenry of Missouri in our every day challenges, but most importantly, in the event of a disaster.
The RHSOC group to date has been able to procure several much needed assets for our region such as GIS software and equipment. The GIS software and equipment will allow the agencies the ability have GIS data at their finger tips whether they are sitting at their desk in their office or out in the middle of nowhere. This particular program gives the necessary resources to communicate with all eight of our counties within our region. It even goes as far as being able to patch in an individual using a cell phone. A few other valuable assets that have been purchased but not limited too are Salamander badging equipment, cooling units, generators of all sizes, multiple hand held and mobile P-25 radios, equipment for fire departments and ACU-1000 MOSWIN upgrades just to name a few. These items were fully funded by the Missouri Office of Homeland Security. We hope that we can continue to make Region A better prepared and equipped in the time of need.
Dr. Ray Patrick- Chair
Commissioner Becky Plattner -Vice Chair
The FY2024 Region A Rural Approved Grants
The following grants were approved by the Office of Homeland Security
Salamander Licensing
MOSWIN Capable Interoperable Radios for:
Higginsville Police Department and the Marshall Fire Department
Salamander Licensing and Generator Loadtesting.
Funding provided by the Department of Public Safety, a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Please call Debbie Brackman, Homeland Security Planner at 660-463-7934 for more information.
Cyber Security
The Missouri Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) initiative utilizing P3 tips was launched in 2020 allowing the public, law enforcement and private sector the ability to work together to solve and prevent crimes as well as report suspicious activity. It coincides with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) See Something Say Something and Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) campaigns. Missouri citizens have the ability to anonymously report threat and terrorism related suspicious activity and to upload pictures and videos.
A Suspicious Cyber Activity Reporting form has been added in P3 tips in addition to the normal SAR form. The Suspicious Cyber Activity Reporting form is for public and private stakeholders, as well as law enforcement and citizens to report cyber incidents/events to the Missouri Office of Homeland Security and the three Missouri fusion centers.
The Missouri Office of Homeland Security and each of the Missouri fusion centers have worked in conjunction to build a Cybersecurity Protection Program for Missouri. There is an option on the cyber form that indicates whether the cyber tip has been reported to a federal or local agency. This option will allow analysts to easily coordinate with local and federal partners on the tip.
You may access the Suspicious Cyber Activity Reporting form at-